Once you place your order with us, we will ship the product within 24 hours, and it should reach you within 3-7 days. We use the most reliable and leading logistic companies to ensure safe and timely delivery of your order(s).
We strive to deliver the product within 3-7 working days. However, there might be circumstances beyond our control where this timeline cannot be maintained. In such cases, we ensure that the product reaches to you within 7-8 days of purchase.
An attempt is made to deliver the order at your preferred time. If no one is available to receive your order at this time, a second attempt is made after confirming with the customer. If the order is not received at second attempt then the order comes back to our warehouse. Our customer care executive will then get in touch with you to inform the non-delivery.
For any queries related to shipping do email us at customer-care@buzzeebabies.com