Feeding your baby is a lot easier when you have the right information. Here is a baby food chart(newborn baby clothes) to help you figure out what to feed your child in the first 6-12 months.
Food chart for 6 & 7 month old babies
To download the pdf click here
Food chart for 8 month old babies.
To download the pdf click here
Food chart for 9 & 10 month old babies.
To download the pdf click here
Food chart for 11 & 12 month old babies.
To download the pdf click here
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Holding your baby for the first time changes your life in more ways than you can imagine. You are surrounded by a surge of emotions among which a strong sense of anxiety takes the center stage, especially for first-time parents. One glance of that tiny tot that you cuddle conveniently in your arms, a being so tender and fragile that you are afraid to hold too tight, a smile, a babble so innocent it just moves your heart. That’s when you know for sure that you want everything to be just perfect. You know you have to get it right....
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Tender, fragile, and innocent – these words instantly come to mind when you think of a baby. But there is so much more than these little bundles of sweets are. Needless to say, parenting is a joy that is hard to describe only because babies make our lives so much more special. Parents are always invested in giving their babies only the best – the most love, the greatest care, the best foods, and the happiest memories. We can safely say that it is every parent’s greatest priority to ensure that they can give their child only the best they...
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